Wednesday, August 19, 2009
bloGger is aPpearing v weIrd agAin. thE paGe layoUt is so oFf~! nvm. i'll sTill bloG anywaY sInce i duN reAlly do mUch to my entRy sinCe i'm so laZy. =x
i juSt boUght a teXtbook thru nus ivle foRum! therE's no piC to shOw the bOoks. juX descRiptions puT up by the sEllers. hoPe it's as gOod as wat waS stAted therE. cOx i saVe appRoximaTely $20 as cOmpared to bUying nEw bOok! and if it's rEally liKe wat was stAted, plaStic wraPped, no hiGhlighting, no pEncil maRking thEn i thinK it's suCh a fantAstic deAl la! haha. bUt theRe are caSes wheRe the seCond haNd booK is mOre expensiVe thAn nEw oNe! reAlly la. ALL sellErs are sElling it mOre expenSive thAn the co-op. i wAs so sHocked i douBle cheCked wif my freN who gOt her coPy fRom the co-op. iZzit laSt tiMe thAt boOk wAs selliNg at a v hiGh priCe? i tot thiNgs onLy gEt moRe expenSive? LOL~
wAs clEaring my emAil ytd anD i saW the recRuitment noTice fOr nus hAndball(leisUre)-ladIes. so teMpted to jOin~!~! thEy din stAte the reQuirement thOugh. and the fIrst traIning waS tHis mondAy. whicH meAns i miSsed it alr. bUt theRe statEd a contAct no. so i tot i miGht juX msg ovEr and enquiRe. bUt i'm reAlly quIte hesitAnt. cOx i haVen beEn exerCising, runNing espeCially. duNno i caN handLe ma. =\ hOw hoW? bUt i reallY waNt to be mOre actIve in schOol activIties. i thiNk it's inteResting in it's own wayS. and i'm quIte suRe i wun joiN any camp commIttee alr~ i miSs plaYing haNdball~ it wAs so muCh fun plaYing handbAll wif the clAss back thEn~ ~