then for a while was busy wif SMO(singapore mathematics olympiad) stuff. first time doing inivigilations and some naughty ones use the rough paper fold paper balls, planes and frog. i bet those are forced to come or something. lol. then one day delivered the papers to the sch holding the exam at their own sch and another day was collection. we get to claim cab fee and we're paid! so cool la~ get to visit 21 schs in total! haha. but i only got 19 schs below i wonder y. =\

the job was relatively easy jux go to the general office say "hi we're here to send the SMO papers pls pass this to ___" and during collection "hi we're here to collect the SMO papers" and so on. haha. most of the teacher in charge would hav left the package wif the GO alr so it was quite smooth sailing for us. except there was one the teacher din prepare and was not contactable and it was near 5(where office would close) and we still had a few schs to run. lucky in the end everything turned out ok and we managed to accomplish our job. =)
some random photos. we even climbed the treehse in vjc! lol~ fun. =)

and the visitor passes. the ma fan part is the filling up of forms for visitors and sometimes we only stay in the sch for like 5 mins? -.-"

so tt's bout it. haha. quite a happening week. this week it'll be camps and more camps for me. lol~ i'll survive all the bathing in schs. scary~ =x